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Finest Call Moonlight Sledding

  • 0.5 oz (15 ml) Finest Call Orgeat Syrup
  • 0.5 oz (15 ml) peppermint schnapps
  • 0.5 oz (15 ml) cream liqueur
  • 4 oz hot chocolate
  • Combine ingredients in a specialty coffee mug. Stir and serve.
Dollop Of Whipped Cream
Specialty Coffee Mug
Featured Product
Orgeat Syrup
This specialty orgeat syrup combines premium almond flavor with a smooth, sweet base, making it the ideal ingredient for your scratch mai tais and beyond. A must-have for specialty cocktails, this orgeat syrup is also a fantastic addition in the kitchen, lending a light almond touch to any dish.
Check out other recipes using Orgeat Syrup